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  2. Tubing at Tyrol Basin! Feb 23rd from 4-8pm is PTO night at Tyrol and you are invited! Please register by Feb 18th. Cost is $22 per ticket!
  3. MH K-5 PTO presents: Under the Sea mini-prom & silent auction Friday, April 19th, 2024 6—7:30 PM Mount Horeb Intermediate Center $5 suggested donation /family refreshments available for purchase Silent Auction will end at 7:15 PM cash - check - venmo accepted must be present THIS IS NOT A DROP OFF EVENT. parents/guardians must accompany their dancers. RSVP on Facebook Today!
  4. until
    MH K-5 PTO Tyrol Basin Share Night Tyrol Basin, 3487 Bohn Rd, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  5. Subscribe to our calendar to see events on your devices! Direct link for printing.
  6. until
    MH K-5 PTO Meeting Mount Horeb Primary Center (1st Floor Spanish Classroom), 207 Academy St, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  7. until
    MH K-5 PTO Meeting Mount Horeb Primary Center (1st Floor Spanish Classroom), 207 Academy St, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  8. until
    MH K-5 PTO Meeting Mount Horeb Primary Center (1st Floor Spanish Classroom), 207 Academy St, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  9. until
    MH K-5 PTO Meeting Mount Horeb Primary Center (1st Floor Spanish Classroom), 207 Academy St, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  10. until
    MH K-5 PTO Meeting (Rescheduled) Mount Horeb Primary Center (1st Floor Spanish Classroom), 207 Academy St, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  11. until
    MH K-5 PTO Meeting (Reschedule) Mount Horeb Primary Center (1st Floor Spanish Classroom), 207 Academy St, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  12. until
    MH K-5 PTO Meeting Mount Horeb Primary Center (1st Floor Spanish Classroom), 207 Academy St, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  13. until
    MH K-5 PTO Meeting Mount Horeb Primary Center (1st Floor Spanish Classroom), 207 Academy St, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  14. until
    MH K-5 PTO Staff Appreciation Week
  15. until
    MH K-5 PTO Craft Night Mount Horeb Intermediate Center (Gym & Cafeteria), 200 Hanneman Boulevard, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  16. until
    More Info: https://www.mhk5pto.com/articles.html/news-events/mini-prom-and-silent-auction-2024/
  17. until
    MH K-5 PTO Meeting Mount Horeb Public Library (Meeting Room), 105 Perimeter Rd, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  18. until
    MH K-5 PTO Bucky Book Fundraiser
  19. until
    MH K-5 PTO Meeting & Open House Mount Horeb Primary Center (1st Floor Spanish Classroom), 207 Academy St, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
  20. until
    MH K-5 PTO Fall Costume Ball Mount Horeb Intermediate Center (Gym & Cafeteria), 200 Hanneman Boulevard, Mt Horeb, WI 53572, USA
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    pencil-custom-resize-100x100.pngSupport your Mt. Horeb K-5 PTO through volunteering, fundraisers, donations and more. If you donate, you can send your donation to your child's school free of fees. But this PayPal option might be easier or more convenient and the fees (deducted from the donation) are modest. Thank you! We appreciate any way you support us!

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